Monday, January 28, 2013

Mr. Darcy Turns 200!

Today is the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice!  Don't hate me please, but I've never read it... I have seen a couple of different movie versions, though {Does that count?}.  It's on my reading list for this year.  Anyways, Mr. Darcy is the guy of classic literature!  It's such a romantic tale!  Have you read the novel?  What do you think about Mr. Darcy?  

Bookish Love, 


  1. Don't feel bad. I haven't read the books either. And I tried watching the movie, but fell asleep halfway through it. :) Oops!

    I feel like I'm missing out, though, because all of my friends talk about it so much. I guess I'd better add Pride and Prejudice to my reading bucket list... :)

  2. No hate here :) Which movie version is your favorite?

    Mr. Darcy... *swoon* He's definitely my #1 fictional "crush," and also probably my favorite Austen character.

    Have a lovely day!

  3. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book, and the 2005 version is my favorite movie. So basically I adore this story. :) Mr. Darcy is the best. I love his character because I can relate to being a bit socially awkward (and I think we can all relate to being too prideful at times). And all of the things he does for Elizabeth, just because he loves her, even when he's sure she still hates him...*swoon* :)


  4. Thanks for the comments, Gabrielle, J.C., & Kristin! J.C., my favorite movie version is probably the Colin Firth 1995 one {I've seen that & the 2005 one}. Gabrielle, I know just what you mean. Kristin, I'm swooning, too! Once I met a guy who totally made me think of Mr. Darcy - I remember writing about his handsome/moody Darcy ways in my journal. =)


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