Thursday, October 11, 2012

My List

Have you ever made a wish list of things you want in a future husband?  Have you ever penned it down, or are characteristics floating about your mind in an unwritten list of sorts?  I've done a bit of both - writing & thinking.  

I ran across this radio podcast with Rebecca St. James {since her marriage & her new book What Is He Thinking?}.  It's an hour long, so I propped my laptop on my counter as I emptied the dishwasher & did a few things around my place, then after I heard the host {Susie Larson} talking about a wish list her son made for his future wife, I plopped down at the table & created one of my own.  Mine isn't very physically-driven.  He doesn't have to have blond locks or piercing moody gray eyes.  Don't get me wrong, I do want to be attracted to my Prince, but I don't have one set of outward standards that constitute 'handsome.'  

Here's my list {click to enlarge}:

They're in no particular order - except for my number 1.  I want someone with his priorities straight; God has to be our first love, then each other.   

Here's a few more details...

2. Girls who have righteous earthly dads often see what they would like in a future husband through the father's godly example.  This was most definitely how it was with my beloved dad!  He worked at a hospital {he was a scientific genius guy}.  He was friends with colleagues, but it was his friendships with the janitorial staff that forever touched my heart.  It was just one bright & shining example of his humility, for me.  I still remember how so many of them showed up for his funeral.  My father knew that we are all the same - frail & in need of a Savior.

7. Sometimes I just ache to be held by a man.  I haven't really experienced that since my father passed away over 12 years ago.  Sure, I've had a few male relatives give me an embrace now & then, but it's not like when my dad was alive & I could just sit still in his strong arms... & be held.  It's at these lonely times, that I must hold on to the fact that I am held in the hand of my heavenly Daddy.

10. I want a mate who helps me grow ever closer to my first love.  Together, I want to do for others in the name of that love - the name of Christ.  In turn, I want to draw him ever closer to the Father, as well.  We must be better together.  I don't want a husband who draws me away from my truest love: my God.  

What's on your list?


P.S.: I made my list using Foto Flexer & a Shabby Blog extra from here {scroll down to about the middle of the page}.


  1. I loved reading your list, Bess! I'll admit--mine's quite a bit longer. ;) I kind of went nuts. I really appreciate your point about him being able to laugh with you.

  2. Thanks, Sarah! I have to admit, I was a little scared putting up there that I "ache to be held by a man" sometimes. That's raw honesty, right there. =) I've been second guessing it ever since I put that up.



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