Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Cinderella Chronicles

The Cinderella Chronicles

I simply cannot wait for my Prince Charming to come my way… & dust the knick-knacks! Being single means all the housework falls on you, unless of course you can afford a maid. Ha! What’s a girl to do? If my life is like a fairy tale it would be titled, The Damsel & the Killer Bug or The Princess Who Took Out the Trash. So un-lovely. I am dreaming of the day when my man will squash the bugs {once it took me a couple of hours to get up the courage to kill a creepy insect that was wriggling in a most fierce way on its back – I got up on the table & cried out to the emptiness, “Someone call 911!” {tis true}}. I want to live the tale entitled, The Handsome Prince Vanquishes the Fire-Breathing Beetle. Oh for a knight who takes out the shining trash can – no matter how it clatters against his armor! I think a blissful marriage means sharing the chores. Before you say “I do,” perhaps we should establish, “What will you do?” As you can see I have pondered this way too much. 

 Here is a list of chores I believe I could carry well in a marriage: 

-shopping for groceries (I do love shopping in all its forms!) 
-filling/emptying the dishwasher (Note the word ‘dishwasher’ carefully.) 
-decorating (Okay, so it’s not exactly a chore, but it is a necessity {& one I shall relish}.)

Of course, my husband could share any of the above if he wished! =) However, I am adamant about the rubbish removal & the creepy crawly protection. One day my Prince Charming will come & sweep me off my feet to vacuum the rug! I’m waiting & wistful. 

Here’s some helpful cleaning tips while you wait: 

-If you have a dishwasher, empty it soon after it is done washing. Then, whenever you use a dish or piece of silverware, rinse it off & put it directly into the dishwasher. Whenever it gets full {or you run out of utensils or plates =)}, just merely turn it on. {This has really worked for me. No more dishes stacked in the sink!} 
 -Remember that cleaning is activity {i.e.: exercise}. Well, it is! =) Make it part of your routine. 
 -Take out trash regularly, as it can attract bugs. 
-Visit here for tons of tips Cinderella would have given her pumpkin coach to know about... Like what this does...  It's magical, indeed!

-Cinderella- er, I mean, -Bess-


  1. Really enjoyed this post, Bess; thanks. :)

  2. So true about bugs. As long as I don't have to interact with spiders, everything is okay :)

    Thanks for sharing the cleaning tips! I'll definitely be bookmarking those for later.

    Have a lovely day!


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